The People of the Book

In terms of the subject matter of this archive, this will be a very unusual page. It is a necessary one however, detailing as it does the spiritual foci of three of the worlds major faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).
This page is intended as a reference guide for students. It is an ongoing work which is incomplete. Constructive comments and contributions are always welcome. If you have additional information, we ask only that you try to supply documentation in support of what you have to say. Contact the maintainers of this page here.
The information here is necessarily brief; a full accounting of all these entities across all of the Pantheons would be a massive book in its own right. What is included here is information that expands our knowledge beyond the bare name. A description might include areas of authority, attributes, images, appearance, and selected comments or stories which might help characterize the "divinity" better, e.g.:

A note from Bruce concerning the three religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam)

 As indicated in the introduction, the three religions, account between them for some 53.3 % of believers today. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam each have their roots in the complex of pantheons current among Western Semitic folk some 3000 years ago, and I believe that it is vital, if one wishes to understand the modern religions fully, to gain a dispassionate appreciation for those roots. Then too, each of the three faiths has claimed a position of monotheism, yet each has described and interacted with a multitude of spiritual forces both good and evil. A careful consideration of these entities is equally important to a full understanding of the religion as a whole. Out of respect for the religions involved, I will not claim that the diverse angels, saints, and demons spoken of below constitute a pantheon in the sense of a collection of fully articulated divinities, but I will adhere to what I describe in the introductory page: any entity that exists as a spirit, has an interest in and influence on the material world in a supernatural way, and is recognized by believers as a legitimate element in their faith, deserves a description on these pages.

 Caveat. I recognize that the material on this page may be regarded as controversial, or perhaps even offensive. Each of the three religions remarked upon here retains an exclusionary element which says in effect; "We have sole ownership of Truth, all variants and competitors are at best erroneous and at worst diabolical." This is particularly true of Christianity and Islam. It may be, therefore, that some readers will regard a description of the polytheistic roots of their faith, together with material concerning semi-divine agents within the faith, as tending toward a disparagement or insult toward that faith. Firstly, please understand that no insult or belittlement is within my intention. Secondly, please be assured that any factual, documentable error is my own, and that documented correction is earnestly solicited. Beyond that, reasonable discussion of this material is also welcome.



The Names of God


Angels and Saints


Copyright ©1997- , Bruce R. Gordon and the group, all rights reserved